Lego 9675 - Sebulba's Podracer & Tatooine

  • Set: Lego 9675
  • Theme: Star Wars
  • Year: 2012
  • Parts: 80
  • Price*: $15.00 - $27.97
2 offers online:
Sebulba's Podracer & Tatooine, Lego 9675, Nick, Star Wars, Carleton Place
Flag CA Seller: Nick
0 piece(s) missing. *While every effort has been made to make this set complete, 0 piece(s) are known to be missing at time of assembly. Seller...
S/H: Buyer paid shipping
Lego Star Wars Sebulba's Pod Racer (Without minifigure)and Tatooine, Lego 9675, Jojo waters, Star Wars, Brentwood
Flag GB Seller: Jojo waters
Sebulba's podracer with Tatooine globe Mini figure not included
S/H: Message about postage or collection